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नेपालमा मन्त्री, भारतमा दुई दुई वटा घर !

 बिहीबार ३०, मङि्सर 

पती नेपाल सरकारको मन्त्री पत्नी भारत सरकारको जागिरे । यस्तो दृश्य प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डका सरकारका सञ्चारमन्त्री सुरेन्द्र कार्की हो । तिनै कार्कीले  सम्पत्ति विवरण सार्वजनिक गरेसँगै यसले तरंग पैदा गरेको छ ।

उनकै पार्टीका नेता एंव संचारमन्त्री राम कार्कीको भने भारतमा समेत २ वटा घर रहेछन् । उनको सम्पत्ति विवरणमा सिक्किम र दार्ज्लिङमा गरी २ वटा घर रहेको उल्लेख छ । त्यस्तै भक्तपुरमा १९ आना, ओखलढुंगामा चार रोपनी र १० तोला सुन पनि कार्कीसँग रहेछ । १४ लाख वैँक व्यालेन्सपनि कार्कीसँग रहेको विवरणमा उल्लेख छ ।

कार्कीकी पत्नी भारतकी सरकारी अधिकृत रहेको बताइन्छ । भारतमा घर तथा श्रीमती भारतीय कर्मचारी भएकाले कार्कीलाई भारतले राजदुतको अग्रिमो दिएको थिएन ।

1 comment:

  1. Laughing is extremely good for health. So, I tell people to laugh by heart without any reason. However, today I laughed for 6 minutes when Mr. Dipendra (news reader of Annapurna F.M) read the news head-line “Prime Minister Dahal’s property Just 3 tola gold and 2 ropani Kharbari”. What the hell is this? Do they not feel shame to rehearsal such drama in front of innocent Nepalese? How can this possible when the entire Nepalese are accusing impotent (not important) Prime minter P.K Dahal for accumulating infinite wealth and his cruel act creating unrest-chaos in nation. Also being a remote control of RAW (Research and Analysis Wings), the most active political safeguard of India. If the news head line is true, as many Nepalese are smiling with rage, automatically Nepal government shall own all his utopian properties; 7 star hotel with cable car, Ncell company, gas& cash company, few 5 star hotels in England and Singapore, Palace in Lazimpat, hydropower, wine-distillery, gemstone mines and what not? Then, once he is unable to serve people and nation we humbly request him to start a pig farm (as he has done his mastery in raising pigs) in his own kharbari land. May he use that 3 tola gold to make necklace to sweet three piglets. Let’s help poor prime minister for his mighty perseverance. ...


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